
Etiquette & Modeling Talk


Great Personalities are not born… They're Made!

Due to the complexity and sophisticated lifestyle in which we're evolve, we must prepare ourselves beyond the academic knowledge, to enable us to complete. We need an edge. This way we are able to conquer all, our goals in a variety of fields, business, society, professional and family life are all benefited by how well rounded we become.

You, just like the great personalities which you emulate and admire, have always at one point, been interested in bettering yourself physically and culturally the improvement of your body and mind. Sure winners don’t stand still; they go ahead with a positive attitude knowing they have been molded by knowledge and self esteem. Our motto is: Great personalities are not born… They're Made! With this in mind Lianabel Int'l, has developed a series of very important courses for Self Improvement. These gather the fundamental elements that all individuals need for that edge, whether it is in business or personal aspects of their lives. Age or gender is not important neither are professions or character traits… We’ve prepared all of these with the experience and preparation our staff of professionals have to offer. We want you to follow us in this road to personal success.

You are the most important element! Nobody but you should be the focus of attention of those that surround you whatever you project is what will be perceived others. This is why you must make the best of your physical, mental and spiritual qualities and attributes.

Whatever you take out of what we will teach is greatly dependent on the amount of effort, time and sincerity to improve yourself is shown by you. 

The absolute calmness and self assurance you display will directly proportional to the knowledge and understanding of what you have learned and how to apply it.

They want and need to excel will beautify, your body and soul. It is you we want by our side…

Teen Modeling /Commercial / Product Model

Product commercial models for print advertisements can be nearly any size or figure type depending on the productor preferences of the client.  Print fashion models must be able to fit into size of clothing commonly supplied at photo shooting. In general, a print model having a figure that is long all over--long legs, long hands, long neck--is most photogenic.  Balanced proportions, shoulders that are not rounded or sloping and attractively shaped, slim legs with long calves are also important. Ideal figure types vary with fashion. At one time the trend may be toward a shapely figure, while at another time a slim, delicate figure any dominate. The style of clothing being designed will dictate the type of figure they will look best on.

Pre-Teens 9 to 12 years old  .  Teens 13 to 17 years old  .  Collage Adult 18 to 24 years old

Adults Modeling / Potential as a Model

Over the years modeling haws evolved so that a model must no longer look a specific way in order to succeed.  The definition of beauty continues to widen and include more types of faces, figure and look-many of which would not have been considered attractive a decade ago.  As people's live-styles change so do trends in advertising. as new ways of living emerge, so do new roles in television commercial, prints ads, and fashion literature.  Socioeconomic trends and other factors will always play and important role in determining which individuals looks will be most in demand at different times.

Catwalk Modeling

A catwalk,  also known as a runway, is a footway akin to a long, slim, and bridge like structure. At many contemporary and modern fashion shows, the catwalk serves as the central stage upon which models put their outfits on display.  Catwalk modeling (pandeo) is another concept for the type of modeling in between a traditional and other types of modeling in the industry. 


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