

Now that you understand the fundamentals of posing and how to approach each item and situation you may be given, it will be helpful to study some of the following information to refine your performance.  The following tips are just suggestion--they are not intended as hard and fast rules.  Remember that a good model makes posing look effortless. A spontaneous, natural style is always us preferred over an affected, overly camera-conscious approach.

To understand how you can polish your print modeling skills and become more photogenic, tips will be given for the five variables in the way a model moves:

  1. Head movement = There are basically four ways in which a model can vary the position of her head: straight on, side to side movement, up and down movement and diagonal movement.
  2. Facial movement = The eyes are usually the most important aspect of a facial expression.  They must show expression in order to give the photograph impact.  The eyes are usually the focal point of a headshot so communicating with them is important.
  3. Body Movements = There are five basic body movements that model use: standing, sitting, kneeling or squatting and lying.
  4. Movements of the legs and feet = the position of your feet in a full-length photographer can also be and indication of your modeling experience or lack of it. Feet often presents posing problems for beginning models.  basically the same information that pertain to hands applies here.
  5. Movements of the arms and hands = You may place one or both hands on your waist, hips, hair, thighs, neck or shoulders.  When you place your hands on your body or face that you don't use position or pressure tat will cause wrinkles in your sin or texture.

Fashion and Commercial Photography

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