
 Education with Elegance Blog

By Lianabel Rosario December 17, 2024
🎄 La Magia de la Navidad: Cómo Celebrar con Elegancia y Refinamiento ✨ La Navidad es una época mágica que nos invita a reunirnos con nuestros seres queridos, compartir momentos únicos y, por qué no, hacerlo con estilo. Celebrar con elegancia y refinamiento no significa gastar en exceso, sino enfocarse en los detalles que marcan la diferencia y elevan la experiencia navideña. Aquí te damos algunos consejos para que tus celebraciones destaquen por su buen gusto. 🎀 1. Dec oración: La Belleza Está en la Sencillez La clave de una decoración elegante es el equilibrio y la armonía. Elige una paleta de colores clásica como blanco, dorado, plata o verde pino, y utiliza elementos naturales: Centros de mesa con ramas de abeto, piñas y velas. Luces cálidas para crear un ambiente acogedor y mágico. Evita los excesos: menos es más. Un árbol bien decorado con adornos simples y elegantes siempre cautiva. ✨ Tip Extra: Un toque de cristal, como copas decorativas o candelabros, aporta sofisticación instantánea. 🍽 2. La Mesa Perfecta: Sofisticación al Servir La cena navideña es el corazón de la celebración, y tu mesa debe reflejar la ocasión especial: Mantelería impecable en tonos neutros o festivos. Vajilla clásica, copas de cristal y cubiertos pulidos. Detalles personalizados: Tarjetas con los nombres de tus invitados o servilletas atadas con una ramita de romero. ✨ Tip Extra: Una vajilla blanca con toques dorados o plateados combina con todo y nunca pasa de moda. 🎶 3. Ambiente: Música, Iluminación y Aromas Crear un ambiente envolvente hará que tus invitados se sientan especiales: Música suave de fondo: Villancicos clásicos o jazz navideño. Iluminación cálida: Velas, lámparas de mesa y luces LED tenues. Aromas festivos: Canela, vainilla, pino y manzana crean una experiencia sensorial única. ✨ Tip Extra: Un difusor con aceites esenciales navideños sutiles (no invasivos) mantiene el ambiente fresco y agradable. 🥂 4. La Comida y Bebida: Sabor y Presentación Una cena elegante no necesita ser complicada, pero sí bien presentada: Entradas ligeras como canapés o bruschettas con ingredientes frescos. Plato principal con opciones tradicionales y deliciosas, como pavo, cordero o salmón. Postres navideños delicados como tartaletas, galletas decoradas o panna cotta con frutos rojos. Bebidas elegantes: Vinos, cócteles de Navidad o champagne. ✨ Tip Extra: Sirve las bebidas en cristalería adecuada y añade detalles decorativos como frutas o hierbas aromáticas. 💝 5. La Actitud del Anfitrión: El Toque Final La verdadera elegancia viene del trato que ofrecemos a nuestros invitados: Recíbelos con calidez y una sonrisa sincera. Cuida los detalles, pero no te preocupes por la perfección. La Navidad es un momento para disfrutar. Prepara pequeños detalles de despedida, como una caja de galletas caseras o una tarjeta escrita a mano. 🎁 Conclusión: Disfruta la Magia con Refinamiento La elegancia en Navidad no depende del lujo, sino del cuidado y amor que pongas en cada detalle. Al crear un ambiente acogedor, estético y lleno de cariño, estarás regalando a tus seres queridos una experiencia inolvidable. ✨ Celebra con estilo, amor y un toque de magia esta Navidad. ✨
By Lianabel Rosario October 11, 2023
1. Don't get distracted - Talking on the cell phone, writing, eating putting on make up and other tasks are not for the vehicle. The road require all your attention. 2. Use the signs - They are tools to make the road safer and should be used. Its the only way to warn that you will make a turn and that the cars around you must reduce their speed to avoid an accident. 3. Cuts - It is one other most common problems. Don't change the lanes if the space is small, without looking or waiting for the passage. 4. Use your high beams as needed - The high or long light are wonderful for dark and lonely roads. on busy roads its use is not suitable, as it blinds the way to others. 5. Thank you - Yielding is an act of kindness and not an obligation. 6. Avoid Speeding - Speed limits and traffic sign must be respected. For this the importance of showing appreciation, just by saying thank you (lips are easily read) or raising your hand, the other person will feel better. 7. Respect parking lots - Even if you're in a hurry, don't steel a parking lot. it's amazing what people can do to get or lose a parking lot. The same respect if expected with parking for disabled people, pregnant woman and green cars. Those areas are designated for a reason, don't use it if it doesn't apply to you. 8. Rolling Dumpster - Throwing trash out the window is inappropriate and very dangerous. it depends on what is thrown and the road conditions, it can cause an accident. 9. Check the horn - Improper use of the horn is the order of the day. 10. Be a good passenger - Use your seatbelt , without asked don't touch the radio unless the guide requests it, don't leave garbage, do nothing to bother the person who is guiding and don't give the chair of which route to take or how it should be handled.
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2021
Tips for Building Self Esteem & Self Love! Below, you will find self esteem tips and exercises for increasing your self esteem and your quality of life! These self esteem tips will help you feel better about yourself. Think of them as a guide to loving yourself. Simply focus on 1 or 2 tips for a few days, until you feel good about it. Then try other self esteem exercises and tips. Start with the activities that feel good to you. Feel free to print this list and post it where you will see it. Self Esteem Tips: 1. Set an intention. 2. Be true to yourself. 3. Change your mental diet. Read uplifting books. Listen to uplifting tapes and CDs and attend uplifting workshops. 4. Be aware of what your monkey mind, the voice in your head, is saying. 5. Upgrade your physical diet. 6. Stop comparing yourself to others. 7. Create an uplifting environment for yourself. 8. Celebrate your successes. 9. Be grateful. 10. Create a list of accomplishments and review it often. 11. Don’t take yourself, or life, too seriously. 12. Learn something new. 13. Do things that stretch your comfort zone. 14. Do something nice for yourself. 15. Do something nice for someone else. Volunteer. 16. Spend time regularly doing things you find joyful. 17. Do something physical. Clean out a closet. Get out of the house. Go for a walk. 18. Spend time with supportive, uplifting people. 19. Create positive affirmations about yourself. Post them about your home. Say them often and out loud. 20. Allow yourself to be where you are. 21. Remind yourself often you are a miraculous, sacred, perfect expression of Life. 22. Spend some time just being.
By Lianabel Rosario July 29, 2021
Part of the Image and professionalism of the Models is the organization and the way that they protect clothing you are modeling. In other words, reflect the models image. For that reason, I'm including the list of tips to consider. Do not smoke, eat or drink in the clothes. Do not sit or make other movements that will case the clothes to wrinkle. Avoid bending over to put on shoes and bending arms to rearrange hair. Every movement can make a wrinkle. Do not lean against anything when dressed. Protect clothes from perspiration stains by applying and antiperspirant frequently. Put facial tissue in underarms to absorb perspirations, but make sure you do not forget to remove it when going in front of the camera or on to the runway. Wear the clients shoes as briefly as possible to prevent stretching, creasing, and perspiration stains to the inside. Do not walk on uncarpeted surfaces unless the soles are masked. If the soles aren't masked and floors are uncarpeted, carry the shoes to the set or runway and put them on just before you step on to the set or runway. Put clothes on over your head whenever possible to prevent them from dragging on the floor. When stepping into clothes take off your shoes first. Protect clothe from getting harmed by cosmetics by placing a scar, makeup mask or other covering over your face when pulling them on or off. Don't force zippers or pull buttons apart tear off tags , or handle garment in a hurried, careless way. Consider to, Always put the dress on last, that is after makeup , hairstyling , and jewelry. If something is damaged or soiled accidentally, promptly report it to the stylist, photographer, dress, or replacement. Also, if something is missing, report immediately because models are sometimes accused of taking items. By reporting it, you will not be held accountable. If you accidents leave a show wearing one of the client's items, such as a pair of earring, notify the client, stylist, or show director, and return the item as soon as possible. You will be respected for your ethical conduct. Many times models like to freshen up with fragrance during assignments. However be cautious that you do not spray perfume directly on a garment. Fragrances may stain fragile fabrics or linger on fabric so that a customer will not want to purchase the garment.
By Lianabel Rosario July 28, 2021
Pageantry Runway by: Lianabel Rosario In a pageant you sell yourself as a Beauty Queen as warm as cherry and engaging with good eye contact. Pageant T Stand = With one leg in 12 o'clock and second leg at 2:30 o’clock. Right or Left leg depends how comfortable you feel. Back leg Straight and the other bent. Considering on the side of the stage you are. Walk = Straight and style in your walk with eye contact Smiling = Before you go out on stage keep a friendly look and pay attention to cameras, judges and grab the lime light. Types: A. Huge Smile B. Medium Smile C. Flirty / Closed - Mouth Shoulders = Open / Hands = On the waist bending your wrist & pop up your buttocks / Fingers = Relaxed Hips = Loose hips & Legs = Following like an S pattern. Pageant Runway = Start with T Stand, walk concentrate in Judges, Walk with a flirty face in swimsuit to a Huge Smile, change face, 1/2 turn at the end of the runway. Swimsuit = Walk according the beat of the music (faster) Evening gown = Slower beat Flirt types: Chin to shoulder Looking the audience with big smile Putting the head to the side as you turn In a pageant or any time you are representing your self maintain eye contact and a smile when coming on and off stage as well. Fashion Runway Fashion Runway sells garment with different facial expression. Look very stoic. High Fashion Runway = Clothing, and Accessories Look = Very Natural with a facial expression (attitude) Chin = Up to high / Shoulder = Back Arms = Moves lightly in a natural way on a back of the hips Fingers = Together and palm towards the body Hips = Are everything in this type of Runway. Sit in your lower back for better catwalk style Walk = Straight Invisible line and long steps Legs = Slight angle or crossing you legs. Feet = Facing front, at the end 1 or 2 posses, catwalk and coming back of the runway. For High Fashion Runways Modeling there is no need to smile on the runway, flirt or move you head with the audience. Fashion Runway is very competitive and clients are looking for models who sell the outfits more than beauty and height.
By Lianabel Rosario May 25, 2021
Positive Self-Image, feeling successful Careful the appearance, personality and methods of personals development. Expressing ideas Ability to delegate in others Be creative mind in everything Capacity to be a risk taker. Energy 100% Open-Mind Interest in everything Visible and be able. Friendly and positive image Never be negative or down Art in Conversations: Listen, Analyze and Talk Discipline Agenda control and management Verbal skills Supportive family and clients Be ambition Because the COVID-19, the majority of American women working from home. Through choice economic necessity, or both women are not only in the main stream of Business but also in increasingly executive job positions. Years before male dominate careers, such as law, medicine, politics, and leadership roles in companies are now enjoyed by professional a successful woman. By: Lianabel Rosario
By Lianabel Rosario May 21, 2021
Poor posture can make a perfectly proportioned figure look dumpy. Even beautiful clothe will go unnoticed on slumped shoulders or a swayed back. Identify your main concern in posture. Is my head is thrust forward on my shoulders. Is my shoulders are hunched forwards. Is my shoulders are held too far back Is my shoulders are too stiff and high. Is my chest is "caved in, "bustline drooping Is my stomach sticks out. My buttocks stick out. Is my knees ar3e looked, causing a lopsided walk. Is my toes are pointed out, rather than straight ahead. Is my feet are somewhat pigeon-toed (toes pointing in) Do I keep my weight centered. I sway from side to side. Do I keep my weight centered? I sway from side to side. Do I look down too much. Is my walk is too "heavy". Do I slump when I sit.
By Lianabel Rosario May 19, 2021
I use to lie and exaggerate to impress? I barely experiment jealous or envy... Are you complimentary of others? Generally I feel inferior to everyone? Do you accept compliments gracefully? Normally I feel esteem for others? Are you enjoy being with people? Generally, I blame my self for my mistakes? Positive and encouraging? If someone is wrong, I can allow it without correcting them? Open-minded about different people or ideas in projects? I am very perfectionist... Do you control your emotions? I use to criticize and judge people? Are you think in others first? Outgoing and friendly? Are you soothe hurt feelings in others? Are you fulfilling your ideals in life? Do you discourage or refrain from gossip? Do you have sense of humor? I'm taking my own decisions? Are you at ease in social situations? Leader? Are you take initiative? I prejudice some religions and races? I enjoy my life and feel appreciation for it.
By Lianabel Rosario May 14, 2021
Social Etiquette: 1. Ladies don't normally shake hands with each other. 2. when introduce to gentleman, it is the lady's prerogative to offer her hand first. However, if a man does offer his hand, smile and shake! 3. If your hand is kissed, simply smile- no other need to respond. 4. Shake hands firmly. Don't offer a 'wet noodle" hand.
By Lianabel Rosario March 23, 2021
Lower Self Esteem, Personality, Diction, and Personal Development to "Top Model" in Orlando, Florida
By Lianabel Rosario March 21, 2021
Pollinas 2021-2022 Si tuviéramos que elegir un favorito absoluto, la explosión de la pollina tan querida podría ser la perfecta foto. El flequillo inspirado en las pollinas a la de los años 70 no solo es una de las tendencias más de moda que resurge en esta década (resurgió el año pasado, y predecimos que tendrá vigencia hasta bien entrado el 2021 y el 2022), sino que también, comparativamente, uno de los estilos más versátiles y de menor mantenimiento. "Los flequillos de pollina son suaves, fluidos y más largos que los estilos más tradicionales de flecos o flequillos que se colocan en la frente o por encima de ella" "Los flequillos de las pollinas se abren suavemente en el centro y se asientan justo a lo largo de los pómulos. A menos que tengas el cabello súper rizado o texturizado, se pueden usar para casi cualquier longitud o tipo de cabello". Los flequillos de pollina son elegantes y hermosos por derecho propio. También tienen el beneficio adicional de elevar inmediatamente el aspecto de las colas de caballo o los moños desordenados. Le dan al rostro un efecto adelgazante sutil (si te gusta eso) ya que simultáneamente abren el área de los ojos y abrazan tus pómulos. 1: Si tienes un mechón, primero dale estilo a tu flequillo 2: Debe sacar mayor provecho al secador de pelo 3: Los pinches que sean sin pliegues para establecer la forma deseada 4: La dirección en la que se seca el flequillo es vital Consejito: Cuando seques tu cabello, sécalo hacia tu cara y luego hacia el piso, luego lo sientas hacia atrás y cae la pollina en posición. 5: La pollina se puede cepillar hacia abajo y hacia afuera, no hacia arriba y hacia afuera 6: Lleve fotos a su estilista o consultor de belleza.
By Lianabel Rosario March 19, 2021
Que es Moda Minimalista??? Significa tener una cantidad mínima de ropa en tu guardarropa que se sienta bien para ti y te brinde alegría. El minimalismo es la antítesis de la narrativa consumista moderna, y por una buena razón. En un mercado global que quiere que consumas cada vez más, el minimalismo dice “Presta Atencion" ¿Alguna vez has pensado en tener menos intencionalmente? " ¡Menos deudas, desorden, presion, cosas! El resultado, menos deudas y estrés para usted, y recursos menos valiosos que se extraen para cosas que realmente no necesita. ¿Cómo me involucro, preguntas? Empiece por su ropa. Ralentizar y mantener un guardarropa minimalista La moda lenta, es la subcultura minimalista de nicho de la industria de la moda. En lugar de comprar enérgicamente para mantenerse al día con las tendencias semanales y deshacerse de la ropa después de un uso un sábado por la noche, lo que es financieramente agotador y derrochador, el espíritu es "comprar menos, seleccione bien, hágalo duradero". Mi punto de entrada al minimalismo y la moda lenta fue a través de mi guardarropa. Cuando comencé minimalista hace unos años, revisé todas y cada una de las prendas que tenía y las doné, tiré o las guardé. Descargué mucho de lo que tenía y me sentí liberador (solo la primera vez). Este proceso literalmente reconfiguró la forma en que pienso acerca de comprar cosas y el estrés asociado con el consumismo. Ahora busco artículos sostenibles de calidad o artículos de segunda mano por encima de la cantidad. Si no voy las tiendas durante meses y a quién le importa. Si voy a traer algo nuevo a mi vida, tengo que AMARLO. La ligereza que conlleva eliminar el exceso de desorden simplemente cambia la vida! Te invito a que lo pruebes ... Pero antes, aquí tienes algunos consejos. Cómo comenzar tu guardarropa minimalista No hay una cantidad mágica de prendas de vestir para lograr un guardarropa minimalista. El minimalismo consiste en afinar tu propio estilo personal y la única regla es deshacerte del exceso. 1. ¡El minimalismo no tiene por qué ser monótono! Mantenlo colorido y versátil. 2. No se limite a enviar sus cosas no deseadas al vertedero. 3. Dónelo, véndalo o regálelo cuidadosamente primero 4, Disfrute del espacio vacío y la gratitud que fluye en su mente y espíritu. Exito!!!
By Lianabel Rosario February 9, 2021
La situacion geografica de nuestros paises no hay cuatro estaciones: Otono, Invierno. Primavera y Verano. Existen en cambio climas, usos y costumbres permanentes y tipicos de cada region. Estudiandolos dominaremos no solamente la etiqueta local en cuanto a comportamiento sino tambien la seguirdad dke estar siempre bien vestido de acuerdo a la ocasion y el lugar. El buen gusto orienta el vestuarion que debe llevar, ropa , zapatos, abrigo, cartera. Es muy importante el buen estado de todo lo que se lleva puesto en cuanto la limpieza y orden. Para tener un guardarropa completo solo es necesario qadquirir cada prenda reflexionando si complementa lo que ya se tiene o si verdaderamente le sacaremos provecho. Hay prendas como un vestido de gala de mujer, un conjunto de chaqueta o un suit de hombre, que se usan muy pocas veces en la vida de la mayorias de las personals. Por lo tanto es mejor no hacer el gasto sino en el momento en que se necesitara. Hablemos de vestidos por la manana, vestidos deportivos, de calle, de coctel, de noche y gala con sus accesories, tanto para ambos sexos. Hay que tener en cuenta en que clase de actividad se desenvuelven una mujer o un hombre que quiere siempre estar de acuerdo con la ocasion.
By Lianabel Rosario January 26, 2021
Las pasarelas y presentaciones de las diferentes marcas y casas de moda siempre integran tendencias de belleza como parte de sus presentaciones de moda. Los expertos resumen en su pagina web algunos de los estilos propuestos para los proximos meses. 1. "Frizz" El cabello bien rizo con onda apretada, en ocasiones peinado para crear ese aire "frizz" 2. Trenzas Los estillos bien pegados al cuerto abelludos son, definitivamente mas fuertes en recogidos. Hasta en las propuestas de Oscar de la Renta se vieron. 3. Ondas Suaves La textura mas ondulada y sutil con mucho brillo se presenta como un estilo modelrno y con un aire sofisticadosensual. 4. "Wet Look" En estilo que sigue intentando imponerse esta temporada. 5. Corto y divertido, Las melenas mas cortas con puntas cortadas en capas desgastadas. Estilo que enmarcan el rostro. 6. Bien Lacio. La melena larga y bien lacia sigue de moda para quienes les gusta estar bien planchadas. Partiduras al lado y al medio da igual pero los lados muchas veces se esconden tras las orejas. 7. Recogido. El "pony tail" sencillo en la parte baja de la nuca sigue siendo una alternativa para mujeres de todas las edades y todos estilos.
By Lianabel Rosario January 22, 2021
Proper wet shaving techniques, quality products and post-shaving skin care can help you look and feel your best and help avoid razor bumps and irritation. A good, close shave followed by health. And it can turn a chore into a pleasant morning ritual. Top 10 Shaving Tips: 1. Make sure your beard is thoroughly wet 2. Use a quality Shaving Cream 3. A shaving brush is one of the best tools 4. Apply the shaving cream using the brush in a circular motion ending in an upwards stroke to help lift the beard up and away from the face. 5.Use a quality razor and change the blades 6. Use the razor properly. Ideally shave in direction of the beard growth. Start with the sides, then the moustache area and las the chin. 7. If you want an even closer shave. If you wish to achieve and even closer shave (as many barbers do ) apply some more lather from your brush (and more cream if is necessary) to the areas you wish to shave again. Keep everything moist. This is one of the extra advantage of using a brush. For most guys, re-shaving certain areas with the grains should be the job. Professional barber, by the way, usually first shave with the grain and then re-shave going sideways - but they're trained professionals! 8. Cleanse and Soothe after Shaving.. After shaving rinse the face with warm water and use a facial wash that has high concentration of the tree oil (natural antiseptic that is ideal to help cleanse and protect from spots and shaving. 9. Rinse with the coolest water that is comfortable and pat dry with a clean towel. 10. Finish off with an After Shave Lotion. Try to get your Ultimate Shave/Skincare Kit with locking pumps for accurate dosage and to prevent accidental spills. With small amount to get the job done right. Also, look for high quality ingredients for performance without waste. Italian shaving brushes help to take care your shaving routine to the next level!
By Lianabel Rosario January 21, 2021
Son un acto de descortesia los apartes en la mesa? Si la mesa permite que se pueda entablar algun tipo de conversacion general, los anfitriones deben procurar guiarla, antes de que se produzcan sinlencios sospechosos. No caiga en la tentacion de hablar del tiempo; aborde con decision otros terrenos firmes: cine, literatura, vacaciones, etc. Evitevardear las arenas movedizas de la politica o de la educacion de los hijos... Si durante una conversacion cualquiera uno de sus invitadosles arrastrara imprudentemente a un terreno peligoso, llevelo enseguida al buen camino. Tambien debe evitar los temas demasiado perosnalis, que podrian ocasionar que sus invitados, ayudados por el ardor de la conversacion y por el buen vido. confesaran detalles intimos que al dia siguiente lamentarias haber revelado. Si la reunion es tan importante que es imposible que todo el mundo hable sobre un mismo tema procure distribuir algunos elementos estrategicos, cada seis u ocho personas. Por ejemplo un amigo fiel que le reveleen el arte de canalizar la exhuberancia de unos y de propiciar la participacion de otros... Este es un dato complementario que se debe tener en cuenta a la hora de organizar la disposicion de la mesa.
By Lianabel Rosario January 9, 2021
Same like your image you make the first impression on the telephone. It can mean the difference in a good job or a promotion at work. Your telephone personality and protocol can influence your social life; they reflect you and your household. When the call is for someone else Rules: 1. Answering the phone: Clear and Pleasant voice. Never be gruff, too quiet or, as your caller has no control over your mood or situation. Depends on a household or business the requirements for answering the phone Re. Ex. "Hello!" or "Smith Residence, Sherly Speaking... Please consider NO for: expressions like: "yeah," "what," or "who is this?" For Business: "Smith Boutique, this si Sherly speaking: "Good Morning, Smith Boutique" "Smith Boutique, may I help you?" When Someone Is Calling you Response: "This is she." or "This is Sherly" When the call is for someone else May I ask who's calling? May I tell her whos calling Whos calling please? Placing a caller on hold "Just a minutes, please" "Let me see if she is available. One moment please" " Can you hold for a moment, please?" "She is on the other line. Would you like to hold or can I give her a message?" Taking a message "She isn't in this morning. May I tell her who called "She is with a client right now. May I have her return your call?" "She is tied up presently. May I take a message for Her? When you are calling someone This is Sherly Smith. May I speak with Mr. Wood." This is Sherly. Mai speak with James?" Concluding a call "Thank you for speaking with me. I will follow up on our conversation". Don't talk for extended period of time. You can conclude the phone call:" "I'm afraid I have another call coming in. Thank you for you calling." "I appreciate your call. " " It's good to hear form you." Good Luck...
By Lianabel Rosario January 6, 2021
When I am interviewing actors about possible representation, one of the question they ask most frequently is, does the agent freelance with actors or work solely with signed clients? Most legit agent have a policy of representing signed talent only. Some, however, freelance with talent with an "eye to sign" meaning they will begin representing an actor on a freelance basis with the international of developing the relationship into one of exclusivity. Others work mainly with signed talent, but will freelance in specific areas like musical theater agents have particular reason for determining which level of representation they offer an actor. Knowing how agents make these choices can help actors correctly decide about their own representation. As a mother agent, we can let you know what is the benefit according your category, division and agents of the industry. With the plan created and holding your hand, you can step firm in the local, national or international industry. By: Lianabel Rosario Mother Agent
By Lianabel Rosario January 5, 2021
Your face has thousand of pores (10,000) that look like tiny holes dotting the skin's surface. We just want to say that pores look like tiny holes because they are tiny holes. the pore is the passageway leading form the top layer of your skin to the base of the hair follicle and oil gland. When everything surface-in appropriate amounts -helping keep it soft, supple, hydrated and healthy. When not working right...well, you know what happens then. Too much oil and build-up of dead cell make pores bigger and cause blackheads and white heads. Topicals containing glycolic, salicylic acid or retinol can help tighten them up. Smaller pores will look better and also be less prone to acne takeovers. Also, you can get Skin analysis in the Natural Way with us. LED Light has the secret to work with your pores and follicles of your skin. Beauty and Health
By Lianabel Rosario December 17, 2020
Unfortunately, accidents do occur no matter how thoroughly a fashion show is planned and rehearsed. Models accidentally trip or fall or even walk off the end of the runway. The mark of a true professional is how effectively the model deals with less than ideal or even disastrous circumstances. In most cases, if a mishap occurs while you are modeling on the runway, the best way to handle it is to act as if nothing happened, maintain your composure and continue on. An Unruffled expression and a smile can go long way. If you flub a turn, lose your balance, or trip, this is the best course of action. If a small, inexpensive item fall from you while modeling. such as an earring or button, let it go and restive it after the show. if something large falls, such as a scarf or jacket, stoop gracefully and quickly and pick it up, then continue on as if nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. Always try to leave e as little to chance as possible. Don't hope that something will work on the runway is you haven't tried it beforehand. If there is a problem with the music, for example, it stops while you are modeling act as if it were planned and punctuate the pause with a turn continue on as if nothing unusual is happening.
By Lianabel Rosario December 15, 2020
Clothing for your interview should always flatter you and be appropriate for the business (Acting and Talent). Have a checklist that tells you at a glance whether you clothing needs to be cleaned, buttons need to be changed or sewn, spots removed, or creases pressed. What you wear as an ensemble or as coordinate separates, will say something about how you see yourself: upscale, sophisticate and stylish; middle American: down home; suburban; unpretentious; comfortable with yourself and others. Pay attention to programs and commercials. See where you fit into the array of types portrayed on TV. Remember that you're packaging the real you. What you present to your interviewers is your essential self and how you want them to remember you. What NOT to wear to the Interview: Ladies Sheer or shiny clothing Slip dresses, lace camisoles, or anything that looks like it came out of the bedroom Skirts higher that two inches about the knee Distracting prints like gaudy florals, polka dots, leopard and animal motifs A plugins neckline Excessive or noisy jewelry Stiletto heels (no heel over two inches) or thick, clunky heels Sandals or ankle-strap or open-toe shoes Brightly colored or patterned hosiery Heavy makeup, wild hairstyle, unnatural hair colors Long or chipped nails, dark nail colors, patterned nails, invest in a manicure Tops that expose the midriff What NOT to wear at the Interview: Ladies and Gents Caps or hats of any kind T-Shirts or sweatshirts, with or without logos Worn-down heels, scuffed shoes Tattoos or Body piercings (visible) Overflowing bags, backpacks Neon or extremely bright, upstaging colors near the face Excessive perfume, cologne or aftershave In addition, men should not appear at the interview with facial stubble or unkempt hair.
By Lianabel Rosario December 10, 2020
Be a parents of talent kids is not easy. As a parents is a lot information that you need to know. For example, do you have any idea which one is the best look for your kids? Is marketable look? Do you know if is fashion to feature film? Does they are ready to be part of any convention, promotion, tv commercial or spoke person event? What about charisma.. tool of the trade.. BUSINESS Backstage... Dollars and Sense of it? Launch you child Modeling and Acting Career Business. Family ties and tales or Electronic Media. Is very important for those parent who want to manage their kids career know all this details to be success... In case that you don't have any idea you can get a complementary orientation for that. That way you are playing safe to be book in the industry. You don't have to be a superstar to succeed... Mother Agent: Lianabel Rosario, 407-791-8186
By Lianabel Rosario November 25, 2020
A model's tote bag should be light weight and large enough to carry many items. Popular fabrics are: canvas, denim, fine leather. Be sure that your mother agent name and email, as along with your name are easily found in the bag. Items you should have in the bag normally. 1. Calendar in your cell phone or device. 2. Plastic make up bag or kit with all your make up items. 3. Nylon sip hood or see through scarf for your head. 4. Comb, hairbrush, hair pins, bobby pins and hair accessories. 5. Mirror 6. Small box of facial tissues and plastic bag of cotton balls 7. Hand lotions and anti-perspirant. Feminine protection for monthly emergencies. 8. Masking tape for shoes and removing lint from clothes. 9. Arm shields to protect underarms of garment 10 Body stocking, slip and bras in nude coloring 11. Panty brief and bra pads for swimwear. 12. A wardrobe of shoes. Shoes must be currently fashionable 13. Basic Jewelry, pearls, silver, and gold especially earrings. 14. Don't carry a large amount of cash. 15. Garment bag if you are bringing extra cloth to a job. 16. Nail items, emery board, polish. 17. Electric curlers or curling iron 18. Small swing kit with extra straight and safety pings. Transparent scotch tape for repairing seams, hems, etc. 19. Small clothes brush and small folding scissors. 20. Small can of antistatic. 21. Hand Sanitizer, Mask 22. Some healthy goodies to nibble on for energy during the day.. 23. A toothbrush and toothpaste. 24. A mouth spray to freshen your breath. Model's note: If you carry a lage tote bag you would include all your purse items in your tote, and not carry an additional purse.
By Lianabel Rosario November 20, 2020
In order to keep up with the fast-aced life of a model, you need to maintain good health. Factors to consider... Sleep Combating Stress = Here are a few more ideas to help you combat stress: Get organized so you won't spend your time searching for thing Exercise Laugh out loud Vent your feelings when you need to Try yoga or meditation Try and Epsom salt bath, which has the benefit of drawing toxins from your body and easing muscle tension. Do something nice for someone else. Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss
By Lianabel Rosario November 20, 2020
If you are ready to start in a national or international industry, please consider the following items to be ready. Valid passport Round trip flight ticket Work Permit, visa Portfolio Composites Money, travelers check and foreign currency Addresses and contact number of agent to whom you've confirmed your exact arrival. In many instances, models are not met at the airport, so the model will need to know the address and contact number of her destination or hotel. A List of American Express offices and American consulates A foreign language dictionary Items the agent has requested you to bring Lightweight canvas luggage, including a tote bag. Travel convenience items such as a n electrical currency adapter for using American appliances in Europe, wind-up alarm clock, vitamins and preferred meditations for colds skin problems, irregularity, allergies and food sickness.
By Lianabel Rosario October 23, 2020
Dolor de Cabeza Cansancio Boca Seca Hinchazon Piel Seca Dolor Articular Hambre Presion de Vientre Metabolismo Lento Mal Humor
By Lianabel Rosario October 23, 2020
Are you enjoy your auditions Confident in your skills Are you Confident in your craft as an actor and acting techniques? Are you take a least five actions per week to create audition or acting opportunities for my self. Are you marketing yourself consistently? Are you have pictures and resume that you love and that represents you perfectly? Marketing Materials? Are you having record-keeping system for auditions and know the name of whom you are audition for and when? Do you have a Mother Agent? Are you considering your dreams and goals? Local, National or International Industry? Are you familiar with the industry? Are you open mind to follow your dreams Have you a direct and winning answer to. "Tell me about yourself" Are you considering your dreams and goals?
By Lianabel Rosario October 19, 2020
Your artistic resume needs to be compress with the most important experience, training, education and special skills. If not you will not be consider for any production... With commercials you don't want to mention who you've worked with. Why? If you've done a commercial for a hamburger chain or a car company or a clothing manufacturer, their competitor won't want to see you in their commercial. This payment is called a holding fee. A holding fee is different than residuals. Contact your union for a full explanation. When the contract is up, your are available to do other commercial work. Keep a list of the commercial you've done and be prepared to share that information at your auditions when asked.
By Lianabel Rosario October 7, 2020
Model's needs learn to express herself and to express the mood of an item she is modeling by altering her facial expressions as an actress does. For example, possibly she may slightly raise one eyebrow to create subtly sexy look when modeling a sexy, tousled hairstyle. A model, learns how to manipulate her face to make it appear more. For example, if too much of the model's gums show when she smile normally, she learns how to slightly alter her smile naturally to make this problem less obvious. If the model unconsciously tucks her chin under when she smiles, creating a double chin, she learns to become conscious of attaining a more attractive line for the chin and jaw. Practice, practice and practice...
By Lianabel Rosario October 3, 2020
On top of the hourly fee, additional monies are paid for certain high-exposure us ages such as: Billboards Point of purchase Displays Posters Packages Exclusivity Internet Side of a bus Usage longer than 12 or 24 months Some agencies charge an overtime fee if the booking is on a Holiday, Weekend or if the hours worked are before (9:00 am or after 5:30 PM) Sometimes there are special rates for travel days, full-day bookings, prep time and the wearing of lingerie and transparent apparel. Prep time is the time needed for special preparation before a photo session.
By Lianabel Rosario October 2, 2020
Para lograr el éxito personal y profesional necesitas más que frases motivadoras como “cree en ti mismo”, “vive el momento” o “sé agradecido” Los menos ambiciosos puede que lo que deseen sea tener un buen trabajo con el que ganarse la vida sin más pretensiones. Pero todos tienen en común lograr algo deseado a lo que dedicar tiempo y esfuerzos. En este post quiero hacer una reflexión sobre el éxito profesional: Has tu trabajo principal a primera hora Cuida tu salud y seras mas exitoso (a) Deja la oficina temprano y trabaja poco en casa Haz mas de lo que te paguen Defiende tu opinion cautelosamente Dedicale media hora a tus pensamientos Desarrolla una personalidad y una imagen propia No permitas que terceros cambien tu personalidad Se feliz por siempre
By Lianabel Rosario October 1, 2020
When you are able to leave a positive and lasting impression on anyone you come across, the world will become your oyster. The good news is that this charming talent is learnable and yours for the taking. This talent is widely knows as "charisma." So let’s explore a number of effective ways that you can increase your levels of charisma. 7 Ways to Increase Your Charisma Stay Tuned Stay Smart and Sharp Remember and Repeat Master Your Other Language Your Eyes Say Everything No more complaining Good words go far
By Lianabel Rosario September 29, 2020
The way we communicate verbally is the strongest determinant of the impression we make on others. Is the power to captivate, to persuade, to sell. Or it can cause many of the frictions and problems of daily life, through irritating sound, mannerisms, and habits in speech and conversation. Analysis of Irritators: 1. Nasality? talking through your nose 2. Padding? Speech tics as "Y" Know, " "like" and "uh". 3. Stridency or Shrillness? Place you tension down in to your solar plexus instead of in your throat. 4. Pacing too slow or too fast? Read.. You should read 150 words per minute. 5. Monotony? Consider emphasis, color, pauses for effect, variety of pitch and pacing. 6. Pit too high? Pitch should match your age and silhouette. 7. Lack Projection? If people ask you to repeat... articulate and support your voice. 8. Visual distractor? Eyebrows, Eye contact, hand movement, fidget with your jewelry, scowl, furrow your brow, contort your mouth, grimace or hair... Use mirror next to your phone and watch you during a phone call.
By Lianabel Rosario September 28, 2020
Creating your own "survival strategy, " you can gain control over your life. For "Situation... Solution" I heard of a trainer, those highly visible fitness gurus who served a select group of affluent client. As a trainer you can coordinate your time so that interviews and audition never conflict with your agenda. I know actors who is masseur. With a license and portable massage table. He had no problem finding client. Are you in to astrology? One actress's resume contained info about her roll as carpenter. Are you fluent in more than one language? If you know the city may enjoy working as a sightseeing tour guide. What ever you can do that is positive will serve you in every aspect of your existence. You could be a taxi driver, going mad in traffic, never having time for lunch or a phone call, or you could talk that same driving skill and become a chauffeur for a limousine company catering to celebrities. Get the experience and develop your resume as Actor or Model...
By Lianabel Rosario September 26, 2020
Stephanie Duke-Andrews is a former New York Model and actress and was represented by Zoli, where she worked for clients such as Seventeen Magazine, Jockey Underwear and, Jones New York,, fashion, print, and TV agent and scout throughout the Southeast for Madison Agency, also Eye from Milan, Italy. She is our Fashion productor from Connect NYC.
By Lianabel Rosario September 25, 2020
Becoming a Commercial model is to have a Head Shot taken. Is a close-up photo of your face from your shoulders. In fact, some head shots are having a half or three-quarter body shot taken That's how, I got started. Head Shot should capture your personality or the personality you want to project, but not to dramatic. The photographer need understand your artistic goals. Can be relaxed, natural setting, casual look. The West Coast might not be right for the more conservative talents light East Coast. Today is a lot a exceptions in this industry, please update your industry with your Mother Agent.
By Lianabel Rosario September 20, 2020
Before leaving the set or location, make sure you have the following information recorded for your self in a record. Date of the production Hours worked Location Name of agent who booked Photographer, name address, phone number, Web site Advertising agency: name address, phone number, Web site Art director: name address, phone number, Web site Copy writer: name address, phone number, Web site Makeup artist: name address, phone number, Web site Stylist or prop person: name address, phone number, Web site Name of product Type of character you portrayed Who to contact to get a tear sheet, and when the ad will be completed Notes about any unusual circumstances You always want to present yourself as an experienced and professional model. think about the long term. You are building relationships along the way. Every negative experience could hurt your chances of working. Every positive experiences could mean more work in the future.
By Lianabel Rosario September 15, 2020
New York is the place to make connections with top clients and get booked for prestigious magazine covers and editorials. The industry standards regarding physical requirements have not changed in the past several years. You'll find most agents or managers are looking for the following desired characteristics: 1. Height = The ideal height is 5'9" and taller. The standard size, size to 8, so that they can fit into a standard size of clothing. 2. Body = A long , lean and toned body is essential. It is rare for a straight-size fashion model to wear a size . 3. Posture = A model should be able to walk, sit stand and move with confidence and grace. 4. Skin = A model must have clear, beautiful skin free of blemishes, birthmarks, scars or discolorations. 5. Teeth = Straight, white teeth are essential. 6. Facial features = Most model have distinct facial features with well define cheekbones, full, shapely lips and widely space eyes. 7. Hair = Shoulder-length hair is preferred, but all lengths of hair are acceptable. Hair should be healthy and natural looking. 8 Photogenic quality = Most skills can be learned, but there's an undeniable, undefinable quality that successful models have. They don' t freeze in front of the camera-they move with the mood and really come alive on film. 9. Youth = They preferred age to begin a modeling career is 13 - 22. How ever we have different categories and division.
September 12, 2020
Usually making photographic print requires from two days to one week. when picking up your prints, always examine them carefully. Check your print against your slide or contact sheet photo using the following checkpoints. Check for correct exposure (overall lightness or darkness). Check for detail in highlights and shadows Check for correct colors Check for contrast Check for cropping Check for blemishes Check for sharpness
By Lianabel Rosario September 11, 2020
A reputable modeling academy should train, guide and promote you to major market with a Mother Agent. Education: Etiquette and Modeling 1. Poise 2. Confidence 3. Professionalism 4. Grooming 5. Rejection Acceptance 6. Posing 7. Runway techniques 8. Informal modeling 9. Professional Make up techniques 10. Television-commercial work Guidance: 1. Develop your pictures according categories and divisions 2.Marketing Tools according your talent 3. Experience and Developing your Resume Promotion: 1. Make sure that you are promote with a Mother Agent. 2. Knock doors according your talent 3. Introduce to the agents of the industry (Mother Agent) 4. Start booking in the industry locally and nationally
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2020
Is a lot a sizes, but most jobs call for children between the ages of 5-12. Children who are large for their age will find modeling opportunities limit. On the other hand, children who look young and are small for their age are often preferred because they are more mature. A child model should wear the size he or she appears to be in age. For example, a child who looks six years old should wear size 5 to 6.
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2020
Do you have Healthy Skin? 1. Cleanliness 2. Proper Diet 3. Fresh Air and Exercise 4. Relaxation and Sleep 5. Water 6. Careful Handling 7. Avoid expression lines and sun Conditions a. Clear skin with good color b. Uneven/blotchy skin tones c. Florid complexion d. Sallow Complexion e. Medium to small pores f. Large pores g. Periodic/ infrequent blemishes h. Moderate to frequent blemishes i. Expression lines j. Loose or sagging skin k. Blackheads l. Whiteheads m. Brown spots n. Suntan or sun damage o. Noticeable facial hair p. Very dry skin q. Very oily skin r. Very sensitive skin
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2020
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!" - Milton Berle The business of being an actor, whether you are employed or not, is a full time job. Serious pursuit of your career demands diligence in developing your talent, looking for jobs, being able to perform on cue, and packaging your self correctly. If you are well prepared, looking for work needn't be a daunting task. The recognize way to open and build doors is through some intelligent work on your part-making the round. knocking on doors, making cold calls, networking. Intro to networking Promotional materials are essentials for "getting your foot in the door." Our Mother Agent, can help you identify the best casting directors and agents listed for your category and division according your talent (model, singer, dancer or actor). Another good tools are Provisional Card, Comp Card, Zed Card, Portfolios, etc. Also we can guide you with the correct directory to be register for ZAG and AFTRA. Networking Facilities Look far and get the opportunity to be on a private audition for Actors and Talents. That way you knock national doors like other actors, casting directors producer and other people in the business for theater, films and TV. Polishing you Skills Performance who can act, sing and dance become triple threats, because for more productions for musicals than straight plays and successful musical typically enjoy long runs. Knowing your field You should get to know the life stories of well-known performers and the literature of the theater. Thanks t ot he generosity of the late produces, theater owner, and actress Lucille Lortel, you New York City Public Library card admits you to the theater on Film and Tape (TOFT) archive at the new York Public Library for the performing Arts at Lincoln Center in Manhattan. Study, Read and Consult... Lets Talk about you.. What you can say about yourself in sixty second? Have you any idea how long a minute is? You need sixty second pitch for your self that provides all your relevant information. Like training, experience, background, credits, skill hobbies and roles. Speed Networking Networking intensive a variation other about theme in which 10 couples sit facing one another at long tables. they have 10 mts to introduce themselves, talk about that they are working on what they're seeking and to exchange business card. after are up the couples separate and move on to a new table and then 10 mts dialogue process repeat...
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2020
Are you Smart Shopper? LIANABEL ROSARIO· 1. Consider shopping by catalog for staple items 2. Know exactly what you want to buy before you shop. Make a list... 3. Accessorize the entire outfit at the time you buy it. Make sure that you have the right shoes, belt, bag etc. to wear with the new outfit, or it may sit in you closet unwearable. 4. Think many time about sale items.. Often the word “sale” can convince us to buy against our better judgement. 5. Look for non-seasonal clothes; this means clothes that are of material and color that can be worn year-round.
By Lianabel Rosario September 10, 2020
Print work refers to t he printed photographs used in magazines , catalogs, product packaging, greeting cards, billboards, brochures or any other type of printed material used to advertise a product. There are many different s types of print work that use of wide variety of models. High-Fashion Modeling - 5'7.75 to 5'11" tall Editorial Print Work - Most models consider editorial print work to be the mos interesting and desirable of print media perhaps because it's the most creative. Commercial Print - Commercial print models are those advertisement. Catalog - Catalog work usually pays substantially moire than editorials. From fashion to food Catalog Posing and Pay - from $150.00 to $2,500.00 Advertising - Real people, models like Tasha in Cover Girls ads or Elizabeth for Estee Lauder, sing million dollars contracts Part or Specialty Work - Perfect features, such as hands, feet, legs, teeth, face or incredible hair. Glamour Modeling - Include elegant gowns, diamonds or pearls Runway - Start in $250.00 per hour stating out, while famous models have been known to command up to $30,000.00 per show.
By Lianabel Rosario September 8, 2020
Hair Protein Fish Broccoli Almonds Cheddar cheese Swiss cheese Eggs Pork Turkey Beans Chicken /beef Yogurt American cheese Cottage Cheese Milk Mozzarella cheese Buttermilk
September 8, 2020
First, it’s important that everyone, including men, identify and understand their skin type: Sensitive skin may sting or burn after product use Normal skin is clear and not sensitive Dry skin is flaky, itchy or rough Oily skin is shiny and greasy Combination skin is dry in some areas and oily in others To help men develop healthy skin care routines, dermatologists recommend the following tips: Consider product labels and ingredients. The skin care products you choose will depend on your skin type. If you have acne-prone skin, look for cleansers and moisturizers that say “oil free” or “non-comedogenic,” as these won’t clog your pores. If you have sensitive skin, use mild, “fragrance free” products, as products containing fragrances can leave skin feeling irritated and dry. However, beware of products labeled “unscented,” as many of these contain masking fragrances that can still irritate your skin. Wash your face daily and after exercise. Because regular bar soap often contains harsh ingredients that can be drying to the skin, wash your face with a mild facial cleanser and lukewarm — not hot — water. Watch your shaving technique. For some men, multi-blade razors can work too well or shave too closely to your skin. If you often experience razor bumps, razor burns, or ingrown hairs, use a single- or double-blade razor instead and do not stretch your skin taut while shaving. Before you shave, wet your skin and hair to soften it. Use a moisturizing shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after each swipe of the razor, and change your blade after five to seven shaves to minimize irritation. Moisturize daily. Moisturizer works by trapping water in your skin, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and make your skin look brighter and younger. For the best results, apply moisturizer to your face and body immediately after bathing, showering or shaving while the skin is still damp. Check your skin regularly. New spots or moles that itch, bleed, or change color are often early warning signs of skin cancer. If you notice any suspicious spots, make an appointment to see a dermatologist. Men over age 50 have a higher risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, than the general population. However, when caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. Wear sunscreen whenever outdoors. To help prevent sun damage that can lead to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer, before going outdoors, apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin, including your scalp, ears, neck and lips. For best protection, use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. You can also protect your skin by seeking shade and wearing protective clothing, including sunglasses that have UV protection and wide-brimmed hats.
By Lianabel Rosario September 8, 2020
En el hogar, la mesa es el centro familiar desde principio de la historia. El hombre ha deseado tener un hogar especial para compatir con la familia. Es alrededor de la mesa, donde se enceñan principios de Etiqueta, Buenos modales y comportamiento y es por esto que se da tanta importancia a la mesa. Maneras de Comer A la Americana: El antebrazo y la mano derecha siempre descansan sobre la mesa, en cambio la mano izquierda permanence en el regazo mientras no se estan empleando ambas manos con los cubiertos o con las copas. La cuchara de la sopa se sostiene con la mano derecho y se lleva a la boca de lado si contiene solamente liquido, de punta si ademas lleva solidos. El tenedor que se a tenido en la mano izquierda para ayudar a cortar se pasa sin que tenga ningun alimento ensartado a la mano derecho y entonces en sentido convexo se trincha el bocado y se lleba a la boca. El cuchillo una vez que se ha utilizado para cortar algun alimento, se debe dejar descansando en el lado superior derecho del plato con el filo hacia adentro. Se puede usar el cuchillo para ayudar al tenedor o se emplea un pedacito de pan para ayudarse. El cuchillo no se usa para llevarse alimento a la boca. A la Europeo: Las manos permanecen siempre descansando sobre la mesa cuando no se tienen ocupadas en el manejo de los cubiertos. La cuchara tiene la misma etiqueta que la Americana. El tenedor siempre permanence en la mano izquierda en el sentido conco y no se debe llevar a la boca en sentido convexo. El cuchillo se sostiene con la mano derecho. Si se quiere descancsar debe permanecer al tiempo con el tenedor al tiempo con el tenedor dentro del plato y enfrentados. Una tercera opcion para usar los cubiertos es una combinacion de los dos anteriores… Al terminar de comer se dejan ambos cubiertos paralelos y sobre el plato. Se colocan en cualquier lugar dentro del cuarto inferior derecho del mismo. El tamaño del utencilio influye en su function
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